Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Summer garden parties!

Battery paper lanterns for night garden parties! It looks like fairy-land to me!!

Here they are surrounding my Ganesha! (a little hard to tell in the night shot!)

In response to the many requests we received, we now have white and pink for garden weddings!

I'm so loving these .... pity there are so many mosquitoes around after all our rain - I was eaten alive last night in my quest for the perfect photo!!

7 colours now available in these lanterns (PL15B 15 x 20cm) - white, pink, fuscia pink, blue, green, yellow, red. As the lanterns are small, the light is very bright! Visit us at www.lanternshop.com.au for more information! These can be found in the rice paper lantern page!


Poppies and Sunshine said...

These lanterns make me want to have a party on the patio! Can't wait til summer so it's warmer at night!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Oh I so have my eye on these lanterns :-)

Love the dresses below - they're awesome!

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

They are just LOVELY - I wish we actually had trees in our back yard so we could hang them from somewhere - my garden is all pebbles and cactus only because Victoria is in a drought so nothing else will grow :(

Carousel Dreams said...

These are lovely!

Ines said...

I like these so much! They are small- simple and they have really tender and nice colours!

Have a wonderful Tuesday between your wonderful laterns :-)


inkala images said...

Loving that evening glow! x

Kissed by an Angel said...

They are so pretty!! They look amazing!

Duchess of Tea said...

Lovely. I think I will use lanterns for my daughter's summer birthday party. Darling, thanks for popping in and for the sweet comment you left for me, much appreciated my lovely friend.

Love & Hugs to you and adorable Patsy


Chicago Chic said...

I love the paper lanterns, and the ambience they create at night. So pretty! xo

Sophie Munns said...

I adore your new header Karen.....!!!


thanks for the gorgeous comment from the lovely person you are!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous!! They would look perfect in my lilac tree!

Obee Designs said...

I am loving these lanterns, they are so pretty! I can't wait to see the dress lanterns, the ones in the calendar photo are so neat!!! You'll have to show us when they come in :)
How's Patsy doing???
I hope you're having a wonderful day!

My Passport to Style said...

Hi sweetie, glad you like my dress makeover. These lanterns are super sweet! Have a stylish day my friend. Sharon xx

Anonymous said...

Yes, could you imagine what a lovely outdoor wedding this would make? It would be fab!
*kisses* HH

TK said...

Hi Karen..Love your lovely led lanterns especially the soft colors. They are so sweet... Careful of the mosquito bites! In Malaysia we are really scared of mosquitos cause they cause dengue fever which kills so many people.

Tati said...

Lovely! (♥___♥)

Bumpkin Hill said...

Those lanterns are wonderful. How lovely to find your blog. I've got a Friends for Tea Giveaway going on at my Blog if you'd like to join in. Hugs, Catherine x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I always would love to trow a party when coming over here in your gorgeous little corner of the world. LED lanterns, how great is that!
HAve a happy week. XOXO

beachvintage.com said...

They sure are pretty, especially the pink and white ones.

{little.happy.things} said...

I like the last picture, the white and the light pink ones! They are so pretty!

Auntie Cake said...

Beautiful lanterns! What a wonderful garden party one could host with those babies! Love them!

Unknown said...

the lanterns looks so beautiful in the night=)

Anonymous said...

Great idea for the weddings... and those pesky mosquitoes!! It's getting too hot for them here now - thankfully :0)

Witchcrafted Life said...

These lanterns are so delightfully pretty! I've always wanted to hang paper lanterns outside, but alas have yet to have my own house with a yard (somehow I don't think they'd work all that well up here on our windy balcony on the 23rd floor!). I'm sure I'll get the chance one day though (until then, come to think of it, I guess there's really nothing to stop me from dangling them inside - though they do usually look their very best when used outside at night).

Thank you very much for your lovely comment this week, sweet dear, it's always a sincere treat when you stop by for a visit!

Wishing you a serene & blissful Sunday!
♥ Jessica

Gaia said...

i love chinese lanterns. I've always dreamt to make a dinner summer party on the garden! !

Have a great week