Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good luck & Prosperity Fishes

Hello friends! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

The waiting is over - the new lantern shipment is here! It arrived Friday in the pouring rain, which wasn't too much fun unloading. But, good news, we have had lovely sunny weekend weather in Brisbane, and I've cranked up the camera and taken loads of pics of all the new goodies!

I'm very excited that the prosperity/goodluck gold fish is back (the orange one in the middle). They were really popular for Chinese New Year and we sold out very quickly. Now available here.

I also requested some samples: new styles of fishes in green, blue, yellow and purple. So I'm wanting to ask my blog friends with impeccable taste and style (yes, that's all of you)! which, if any, I should add to the range.

Personally, I like the green and the purple the best. What do you think??

My customers tell me they use them as xmas tree decorations, in their kids bedrooms and for parties. I have my goldfish hanging in my office for prosperity! How would you use them??

Thanking you all in advance!!!! More rice paper lantern pictures to come soon ....
Cheers, Karen & Patsy


Mami said...

These are pretty goldfise lanterns. they look like tropical fish. Japanese goldfish is red one. I like yellow and blue!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi Karen, I have to say that I love them all!! They are so pretty!!
Hope you had a great weekend!

TK said...

Hi Karen..lovely fish lanterns you have there. I especially love the blue one.. Looking forward to seeing more lanterns!U 2 have a lovely week.

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour dear Karen,
Glad you're new shopment arrived safely. Why does it always rain on moving days? I like the green and purple and the blue is nice also. One in the office is a good idea, we could all use a little prospertiy!
Happy SUnday my friend.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute and fun looking. I think my favorites are the red and the purple.
Have a great weekend.
*kisses* HH

Ines said...

Oh- they make me feeling really good and happy! Magic fishes :-))

Yes- those are the days- nobody needs ;-) Rain when arriving these tender laterns!!!

( I hope my English is always well- sorry for faults!)

Have a wonderful Sundy- Love, Ines

Anna said...

Che dire...WONDERFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute karen! Im thinking I like the blue green and purple.

Happy Sunday!

daisychain said...

Oh I just adore these, especially the purple

Nat said...

They are all beautiful, but I like the blue one best (powder blue sergeant fish?). Reminds me of snorkelling in the Maldives where there are schools of thousands of these fish :-)

Olive said...

Love those!!! I feel lucky already :)

Licks from me!!


Tati said...

Wonderful!!! I love the red!♥
Have a happy week!!! :D

Lorenza said...

They are beautiful!
I like the green and the purple too!
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza said...

Cute fishies Karen, when will this rain stop!

Victoria Jin said...

These remind me of my home beijing so much :) love them


Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

The gold fish are great!

Victoria xx

Kat Ibáñez said...

Oh they are so beautiful!!!
Karen and sweet Patsy your taste is fantastic, i think all the colours are wonderful, but my favourites would be red and purple!!
Have a nice day!!!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

those are so so pretty! Lovely colors, I'm ready to party!!!

Hope your week is off to a great start, Karen! xo

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

these fish lanterns rock!!! (and yes, Patsy would make a fantastic flower girl!!!)
hope all is well with you!!!

koralee said...

That floating flower is so lovely! Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.